Fr. Michael Joncas
Priest, Liturgical Theologian, and Composer
In one of the most incisive presentations in the history of National Association of Pastoral Musicians (NPM) conventions, Michael Joncas at the Long Beach gathering in 1989 gave the conventioneers much to digest. The topic was the Psalms, not an unfamiliar one to him as he stated, “Scripture grounds my life as a Christian, a preacher, and a priest.” How evident that is when one surveys his musical output with its heavy concentration of scriptural content: “There Is No Greater Love” to–what else?–“On Eagle’s Wings.”
The appearance of “On Eagle’s Wings” in 1978 coincided with his MA in liturgy from Notre Dame, an academic pursuit that has since taken him to the Pontifical Liturgical Institute of the Pontifical Athenaeum, San Anselmo in Rome. During that interim, he was ordained in 1980 as a priest for the archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis. In this Minnesota scene, he collaborated with two of his colleagues, Marty Haugen and David Haas, in producing some of the most effective music for the Church’s worship that has appeared in the post-conciliar days. His lovely setting of the blessing prayers at the 1990 meeting of the North American Academy of Liturgy illustrated his understanding of music, ritual, gesture, and prayer. As he said in Long Beach, “We pastoral musicians do not sing to entertain bored worshipers or to seduce them into brainless ecstasy; we may sing in the Spirit, but we also sing with our minds.”
Michael’s Events
Friday, October 12