2019 Conference Clinicians
Leaders in Sacred Music, Liturgy, & Music Education
John Feierabend
Keynote Speaker
Youth Music
Artistic Director at The Hartt School of the University of Hartford
First Steps in Music
Conversational Solfege
James Jordan
Conducting Intensive
Professor and Senior Conductor at
Westminster Choir College
Evoking Sound Series
Same Stream Choir
The Real Group
Concert Performance
A Capella Singing
World-renowned a cappella jazz/pop vocal group
Touring for more than 30 years across the world
Click Here to visit their website
Chris de Silva
Arranging & Orchestrating
Concert Performance
Liturgical Musician
Recording Artist
Piano/Instrumental Arranger
Love, Burn Bright
Colours: Music for Solo Piano
John Feierabend
Keynote Speaker
Youth Music
James Jordan
Choral Conducting Intensive
The Real Group
Concert Performance
A Capella/Jazz Singing
Chris de Silva
Arranging & Orchestrating
Concert Performance
Artistic Director at The Hartt School of the University of Hartford
Professor and Senior Conductor at Westminster Choir College
World-renowned a cappella jazz/pop vocal group
Touring for more than 30 years across the world
Liturgical Musician
Recording Artist
Piano/Instrumental Arranger
First Steps in Music
Conversational Solfege
Evoking Sound Series
Same Stream Choir
Click Here to visit their website
Love, Burn Bright
Colours: Music for Solo Piano
Diana Kodner Gökçe
Vocal Intensive
Church Cantor for over 35 years
Music Teacher and Liturgical Music Coordinator at The Frances Xavier Warde School
Handbook for Cantors
Why Do We Sing?
James Abbington
African-American Church Music
Associate Professor of Church Music and Worship at Emory University
Readings in African American Church Music and Worship
AACMS & Moorehouse College Series
Marty Haugen
Liturgical Ensemble
Sacred music composer for over 35 years
Liturgical Musician
Recording Artist
Mass of Creation
“Shepherd Me, O God” & “All Are Welcome”
Barbara Conable
Keynote Speaker
Body Mapping
Retired teacher of the Alexander Technique
Founder of Andover Educators
Move Well, Avoid Injury
How to Learn the Alexander Technique
Diana Kodner Gökçe
Vocal Intensive
James Abbington
African-American Church Music
Marty Haugen
Liturgical Ensemble
Barbara Conable
Keynote Speaker
Body Mapping
Church Cantor for over 35 years
Music Teacher and Liturgical Music Coordinator at The Frances Xavier Warde School
Associate Professor of Church Music and Worship at Emory University
Sacred music composer for over 35 years
Liturgical Musician
Recording Artist
Retired teacher of the Alexander Technique
Founder of Andover Educators
Handbook for Cantors
Why Do We Sing?
Readings in African American Church Music and Worship
AACMS & Moorehouse College Series
Mass of Creation
“Shepherd Me, O God” & “All Are Welcome”
Move Well, Avoid Injury
How to Learn the Alexander Technique
Scott Lang
Youth Leadership
Experienced Music Educator
Renowned Leadership Trainer
Leadership Survival Guide
Seriously?!, Leader of the Band
Marilyn Biery
Organ Intensive
Liturgical Musician & Organist for over 35 years
Composer & Arranger
Bachelor and Master of Music degrees in Organ Performance
10 Hymn Settings for Organ
Gathered into One
Peter Kolar
Spanish/Bilingual Worship
GIA Editor for Spanish and Bilingual Resources
Composer and Arranger
Director, Diocesan Choir of El Paso, TX
Misa Luna Mass setting
Variations Solo Piano CD
Lisa Marsh
Body Mapping for Piano
Composer & Arranger
Fundamental Principles of Coordinate Movement for Pianists
Scott Lang
Youth Leadership
Marilyn Biery
Organ Intensive
Peter Kolar
Spanish/Bilingual Ministry
Lisa Marsh
Body Mapping for Piano
Experienced Music Educator
Renowned Leadership Trainer
Liturgical Musician & Organist for over 35 years
Composer & Arranger
GIA Editor for Spanish and Bilingual Resources
Composer and Arranger
Director, Diocesan Choir of El Paso, TX
Composer & Arranger
Leadership Survival Guide
Seriously?!, Leader of the Band
10 Hymn Settings for Organ
Gathered into One
Misa Luna Mass setting
Variations Solo Piano CD
Fundamental Principles of Coordinate Movement for Pianists
Jennifer Kerr Budziak
Formational Resources
GIA Editor for Formational Resources
Composer & Arranger
Sing Amen! Blog and Podcast
Series Editor, As Found in the GIA Quarterly
Michael Silhavy
Psalmody/Reading Sessions
GIA Editor of Special Projects
Liturgical Musician
Gelineau Psalmody
GIA Compiled Resources
David Anderson
Taizé Resources
GIA Editor-at-Large
Liturgical Musician
GIA Compiled Resources
Taizé Prayer
Kate Williams
GIA Resources/Reading Sessions
GIA Senior Managing Editor
Liturgical Musician
Of Womb and Tomb: Prayer in the Time of Infertility, Miscarriage, and Stillbirth
Jennifer Kerr Budziak
Formational Resources
Michael Silhavy
Psalmody/Reading Sessions
David Anderson
Taizé Resources
Kate Williams
GIA Resources/Reading Sessions
GIA Editor for Formational Resources
Composer & Arranger
Liturgical Musician & Organists for over 35 years
Composer & Arranger
GIA Editor-at-Large
Liturgical Musician
GIA Senior Managing Editor
Liturgical Musician
Sing Amen! Blog and Podcast
Series Editor, As Found in the GIA Quarterly
Gelineau Psalmody
GIA Compiled Resources
GIA Compiled Resources
Taizé Prayer
Of Womb and Tomb: Prayer in the Time of Infertility, Miscarriage, and Stillbirth

Cynthia Ripley
iTheatrics Workshop
Senior Educational Consultant for iTheatrics
The Quintessential Guide to Creating Quality Musical Theatre Programs
Marty Johnson
iTheatrics Workshop
Director of Education and Resident Director at iTheatrics
The Quintessential Guide to Creating Quality Musical Theatre Programs
Cynthia Ripley
iTheatrics Workshop
Marty Johnson
iTheatrics Workshop
Senior Educational Consultant for iTheatrics
Director of Education and Resident Director at iTheatrics
The iTheatrics Method:
The Quintessential Guide to Creating Quality Musical Theatre Programs
The iTheatrics Method:
The Quintessential Guide to Creating Quality Musical Theatre Programs
Call (708) 496-3800 or email institute@GIAMusic.com