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On Chicago’s Michigan Avenue

Fourth Presbyterian Church
October 11 – 13, 2018  |  Chicago, Il

On Chicago’s Michigan Avenue

Fourth Presbyterian Church
October 11 – 13, 2018  |  Chicago, Il

The GIA Fall Institute is a celebration of our mission to serve the needs of musicians in all settings.

We’re bringing together leaders in music, worship, education, and formation to offer an assortment of skill building and enrichment workshops on subjects like choral rehearsal techniques, conducting, pastoral music, leadership, liturgy, theology, organ, piano, and spirituality. There will also be plenum addresses, ecumenical prayer opportunities, along with sacred and secular choral reading sessions.

Some of our Featured Clinicians…

James Jordan

Senior Conductor at Westminster Choir College

David Haas

Liturgical Composer

Ola Gjeilo

Choral Composer & Recording Artist

Fr. Michael Joncas

Liturgical Theologian & Composer

What people had to say about the
2017 GIA Fall Institute…
“LOVED, LOVED, LOVED THIS! Thank you for your hard work and great organization. I am inspired and so ready to go back and serve…”

Julie L. — Cold Spring, MN

“This was one of the best conferences I have ever attended. Thank You!”

Beth P. — St. Joseph, MN

“I look forward to the next institute. What a value for all the sessions and concerts. Thank you for providing something affordable and so full of great music and presentations.”

Brian E. — Milwaukee, WI

“I can’t thank you enough for putting this on and would love to go every year! Thank you.”

Katherine R. — San Diego, CA

“The whole iTheatrics track was stimulating, fun, affirming, and chock-full of useful methods and ideas. ”

Sarah O. — Worcester, MA

“This weekend was fabulous! I look forward to sharing what has been shared with me—maybe bringing more friends next year?”

Julia G.—Arlington, TX

“Please continue holding this event. I’m returning to Montana enriched, revived, and confident in my skills. This was a wonderfully planned event with great people. Very worth my while.”

Marin S. — Missoula, MT

Check out this
short highlight video
from the 2017
Fall Institute!

2018 GIA Fall Institute






