Dianne Bergant
Catholic Theological Union (Chicago)
Dianne Bergant, C.S.A., is the Carroll Stuhlmueller, C.P., Distinguished Professor Emerita of Old Testament Studies at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. She holds a B.S. in Elementary Education from Marian College, Fond du Lac, Wis.; an M.A. and Ph.D. in Biblical Languages and Literature from St. Louis University. Her most recent publication is A New Heaven, A New Earth, a study of various biblical passages from the perspective of integrity of creation, published by Orbis Press.
Dianne Bergant was President of the Catholic Biblical Association of America (2000-1) and has been an active member of the Chicago Catholic/Jewish Scholars Dialogue for the past thirty years. For more than twenty years, she was the Old Testament book reviewer of The Bible Today. Bergant was a member of the editorial board of that magazine for twenty-five years, five of those years she served as the magazine’s general editor. From 2002 through 2005, Bergant wrote the weekly column “The Word” for America magazine. She is currently working in the areas of biblical interpretation and biblical theology, particularly issues of peace, ecology, and feminism.
Besides numerous articles and chapters in books, her publications include: A New Heaven, A New Earth. Orbis Books, 2016, Genesis: In the Beginning. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2013. A Word for Every Season (B,C,A) New York: Paulist Press, 2008/2009/2010. Scripture (Engaging Theology: Catholic Perspectives). Collegeville: Liturgical Press (A Michael Glazier Book), 2008. Israel’s Story (Part I and II), Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 2006/2007. Lamentations(Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries). Nashville: Abingdon, 2003. Song of Songs (Berit Olam series). Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 2001. People of the Covenant: An Invitation to the Old Testament. Franklin, WI: Sheed & Ward, 2001. Preaching the New Lectionary (Years B,C, A). Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1999/2000/2001. Song of Songs: The Love Poetry of Scripture. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press, 1998. The Earth is the Lord’s: The Bible, Ecology, and Worship (American Essays in Liturgy). Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1998.Israel’s Wisdom Literature: A Liberation-Critical Reading. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1997. Collegeville Concise Glossary of Biblical Terms. Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1994. The Psalms: Grail Translation From the Hebrew (1993 Revision). Chicago: GIA Publications, 1993. The World is a Prayerful Place. Wilmington: Michael Glazier, Inc. 1987; Collegeville, Minn.: The Liturgical Press, 1992.
Dianne’s Workshops
Thursday, October 12
4:30 PM – 5:45 PM
LSTC 202
Saturday, October 14
10:15 AM – 11:30 AM
LSTC 201