David Anderson
Editor-at-Large — GIA Publications, Inc.
David Anderson serves as Director of Music and Organist at Ascension Parish in Oak Park, Illinois. David’s outreach of music in the parish embraces a broad variety of ages and levels of musical ability. David’s formal education includes theological studies at Catholic Theological Union and Loyola University of Chicago, a Master of Church Music degree from Concordia University and advanced choral studies at Westminster Choir College. David is a well-known speaker at many national conferences, is frequently asked to prepare the liturgy and music for various conferences, and for retreats, has consulted and authored materials for Liturgy Training Publications (including Handbook of Church Music for Weddings), and served as Senior Editor and VP of Sacred Music at GIA. He also served on the hymnal committee for GIA’s Gather—Third Edition as well as RitualSong, Second Edition and is an editor for Singing Our Faith, Second Edition, GIA’s childrens hymnal. For over 18 years on the first Friday of each month, David has prepared and coordinated a Taizé prayer at Ascension Parish that brings together hundreds of people from many Christian traditions. This monthly gathering serves as a model for ministry, hospitality, and outreach.
David’s Events
Friday, October 12