Tony Alonso

Latin Grammy-nominated composer of sacred music and theologian
Aquinas Associate Professor of Theology and Culture, Candler School of Theology, Emory University

Tony Alonso is a Latin Grammy-nominated composer of sacred music and a theologian whose work responds to the diverse needs of the contemporary church.

A Cuban-American Roman Catholic, Tony’s compositions embrace multicultural musical expressions and reflect a commitment to strong ritual song. His music appears in compilations and hymnals across Christian denominations throughout the world. Tony’s Mass of Joy and Peace is one of the most widely sung Mass settings in the United States. In 2015, his compositional work was recognized with an invitation to compose the responsorial psalm for the first Mass Pope Francis celebrated in the United States. In 2020, he was nominated for a Latin Grammy for his groundbreaking album Caminemos con Jesús.

Tony’s scholarly work lies at the intersection of liturgical theology and cultural studies. In 2019, he was awarded the Catherine Mowry LaCugna Award for new scholars for the best academic essay in the field of theology within the Roman Catholic tradition by the Catholic Theological Society of America. His book Commodified Communion: Eucharist, Consumer Culture, and the Practice of Everyday Life was awarded the 2021 Hispanic Theological Initiative Book Prize. Tony is Aquinas Associate Professor of Theology and Culture at Candler School of Theology at Emory University where he also serves as the inaugural Director of Catholic Studies.

Tony’s Workshops

Wednesday, July 9

Crafting Music for Worship

Have you felt called to compose music for your community? This workshop, especially designed for those newly interested in composing, will explore some principles (rooted in liturgical documents and pastoral reflection) which may be helpful as you seek to serve your community in this new ministry.

Panel includes: Tony Alonso, Kate Williams, and friends


Breakout 1
Location Pending

Beer and Hymns

Join us for a drink at a nearby bar after the Mark Miller concert on Wednesday night. Tony and friends will lead a performance of favorite hymns and tunes.

One drink ticket will be provided by GIA Publications. Food and extra drinks will be available from the bar.

2:55PM – 3:40PM

Institute Event
Location Pending

Thursday, July 10

 Listen to This! A Not So Universal Language

The phrase music is a universal language is invoked so frequently in conversations about the expressive power of song that it often passes without a second thought. But any church musician or liturgist who has experienced the diverse passions that the selection of a particular hymn can elicit among members of our assemblies knows that the multivalent way in which music is received is far from universal and can even be quite divisive.

This workshop will engage emerging work in neuroscience and music to deepen contemporary conversations about musical styles in worship to encourage us beyond polarized conversations to ones rooted in pastoral understanding

10:20AM – 11:35AM

Breakout 5
Location Pending

Friday, July 11

PsalmsThe Songbook of Faith

Psalms allow us to cry out before God in every season of life at full stretch before God. This workshop explores the richness of psalm singing by exploring a variety of forms and styles.

10:20AM – 11:35AM

Breakout 9
Location Pending