Peter Kolar

Editor for Spanish and Bilingual Resources | GIA Publications, Inc.

Peter Kolar brings over 30 years of experience in Catholic liturgy and music to GIA, including a long tenure with World Library Publications, where he was the founding editor of the bilingual missal Celebremos/Let Us Celebrate. As a composer, his work is featured in major Catholic hymnals across the country. His Misa Luna was performed at the Papal liturgy in Philadelphia in 2015. Peter resides in El Paso, TX, where he serves as the Director of the El Paso Diocesan Choir. Additionally, Peter was a consultant with the Secretariat for the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Divine Worship on the Spanish chants of the Misal Romano, Tercera Edición.

Peter’s Workshops

9-11 de Julio

Conferencistas: Peter Kolar, Lesly Palacios, Julio De León

Acompáñenos durante tres días de enriquecedores talleres de música sacra en el Summer Music Institute, que se llevará a cabo en North Central College en Naperville, Illinois. Este programa especial abarca una amplia gama de temas, desde la espiritualidad del ministerio musical hasta consejos prácticos para conjuntos musicales, y ofrece valiosas oportunidades para aprender, reflexionar y orar

Wednesday, July 9

Musicking en Espanglish

Are you an English speaker who has found themself in a bilingual context? Come to this session to explore resources that work well for Spanish-singing communities, and learn some basic linguistic and cultural competency for a successful first step forward.

Co-Clinicians: Peter Kolar and Kate Williams


Breakout 3
Location Pending