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Mark A. Miller

Associate Professor of Church Music and Composer In Residence at Drew University in Madison NJ
Lecturer in the Practice of Sacred Music at Yale University
Composer and pastoral musician

Mark A. Miller has a passion for building community through music and believes that everyone is a child of God. He adheres to Cornel West’s belief that “Justice is what love looks like in public.”

A graduate of Yale and Juilliard, Mark is Professor of Church Music, Director of Chapel, and Composer-in-Residence at Drew University. He is also a Lecturer in Sacred Music at Yale University’s Institute of Sacred Music and Divinity School, and Minister of Music of Christ Church in Summit, New Jersey. Previously, he provided musical leadership for Marble Collegiate Church and The Riverside Church (both in New York City).

His sacred music is widely published and sung by communities of faith around the world. Mark’s Let Justice Roll (for chorus and orchestra) was performed for “Juneteenth Celebration: All American Freedom Day” in 2019 at Carnegie Hall. His album, Imagine the People of God, is available on iTunes.

Mark has led choirs and performed in Sweden, South Africa, Austria, Russia, and the Baltic states. He spends part of the year traveling around the United States (often with his band, Subject to Change), lecturing, preaching, and presenting concerts focused on creating community and advocating for social justice for all people, especially the LGBTQIA+ community. His music has been called the soundtrack for a new generation to express and celebrate hospitality, equity, and justice.

Mark resides in Plainfield, New Jersey, with his husband, Michael Murden. They have two adult children, Alyse and Keith, and a cat named Oscar. 

Mark’s Workshops

Wednesday, July 9

Composing in a Time of Crisis

About once every 500 years the followers of Jesus have found their institutions in the midst of an identity crisis. Today we are living through such an inflection point. What are the values that we seek to lift up and model to the next generation? What are the prayers we utter, the songs we sing, and the rituals that give meaning through times of upheaval, fear, and doubt? Mark will share the words and music that give him the courage to go on in the midst of crisis.


Breakout 2
Location Pending

Sacred Songs of Justice and Joy

Singing through Mark Miller’s newest published collection “Revolution of the Heart” along with other recently published ‘hybrid’ songs for choirs & congregations. This inspiring time will remind us that we can pray fervently for God’s reign to come,  cry tears of sorrow and joy, sing lustily for justice and laugh with surprise and delight all in the same worship concert!

7:00PM – 8:20PM

Institute Event
Location Pending

Thursday, July 10

Social Justice and Congregational Song

Is there a way to enrich a congregation with songs that spotlight social justice issues, while at the same time have musical and compositional integrity? Is there a way to sing lyrics that aren’t self-righteous or pedantic but inspire the singer to deeper spiritual transformation? Come and find out as we sing and have conversation about the songs of social justice that are meaningful to you.

10:20AM – 11:35AM

Breakout 5
Location Pending