Bob Bordone

Internationally-recognized expert, author, speaker, and teacher in negotiation, conflict resolution, mediation and facilitation

Robert C. Bordone (Bob) is an internationally-recognized expert, author, speaker, and teacher in negotiation, conflict resolution, mediation, and facilitation, recently selected as one of the Top 30 Negotiation Professionals by Top Global Gurus. A Senior Fellow at Harvard Law School, he served on the full-time faculty at Harvard Law School for more than twenty years as the Thaddeus R. Beal Clinical Professor of Law, Director, and Founder of the Harvard Negotiation & Mediation Clinical Program before launching his full-time consulting, advisory, speaking, and training practice. He also serves as the Director of the Consensus Building Institute Professional Development Academy and as an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University Law Center. Bob has has also been a Visiting Clinical Professor of Conflict Transformation at Boston University’s School of Theology.

As a professional facilitator, mediator, and conflict management consultant, Bob works with individual, non-profit, governmental, and corporate clients across many sectors. He specializes in assisting individuals and groups seeking to manage conflicts in highly sensitive, emotional, or difficult situations. His corporate clients have included Premera Blue Cross, Health Net, Gap, Inc., Fidelity Investments, Nestlé, Coca-Cola, Delta Air Lines, Exelon, Heineken, and Microsoft.  In addition, he has worked on projects with many nonprofit, educational, governmental and cultural institutions including the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Massachusetts General Hospital, Dartmouth College, Deerfield Academy, the Swiss Foreign Ministry, the U.S. Department of Justice, the United Way, the International Criminal Court at The Hague, Seeds of Peace, and the Vienna School of Economics and Business Administration.


Bob’s Workshops

Thursday, July 10

Conflict Resilience: Skills for Difficult Conversations in Polarized Times

Conflict Resilience: Skills for Difficult Conversations in Polarized Times
Description: Division, polarization, and conflict surround us: in our families, communities, country, and churches. Music has a unique power to unify and heal, but even within the music world itself, conflict and polarization abound. In this keynote, Bob will introduce the concept of conflict resilience and offer some tools for how to use words in difficult conversations as an instrument to promote better connection and stronger relationships even when differences and conflicts may abound.

(All full-conference attendees and Thursday-only attendees will receive a complimentary copy of Bob’s new book, Conflict Resilience, at registration. He will be available for signings following the keynote presentation.)

9:00PM – 10:00PM

Keynote 2
Location Pending

Conflict Resilience and Difficult Conversations Simulation and Debrief

 In this special session, participants will have the chance to participate in a “difficult conversation simulation” in an employment context that raises issues related to workplace environment, gender coaching, feedback, and managerial best practice. Participants will read and prepare for a simulated “difficult conversation,” be paired with another participant for practice, and then have a collective group debrief.

This session will span outside the normal breakout session timeframe and is limited to 30 participants. 

3:05PM – 5:00PM

Special Breakout Session
Location PEnding