A Certification Track for Music Theater Educators
Acquire new skills, learn best practices, and gain time-saving rehearsal techniques
A Special Track of the

iTheatrics Certification Track
October 17 – 19, 2019
Chicago, Illinois

Join Broadway Junior Director’s Guide Authors and Master Teachers
Marty Johnson and Cynthia Ripley for a weekend you won’t soon forget!

• Access to all iTheatrics sessions and iTheatrics certification
• Access to continuing education units or college credit (email us at institute@giamusic.com for details)
• Admission to all additional Fall Institute programming, concerts, and events
• Admission to Thursday afternoon luncheon “Meet & Greet” with fellow conference attendees
•One copy of The iTheatrics Method: The Quintessential Guide to Creating Quality Musical Theatre Programs included with every full registration (Learn more)
Early Registration is available until September 30. Prices subject to increase after this date.
Individual Conference Registration
Full Registration Price
Group Conference Registration
(3 or more people from the same church/school)
Full Registration Price
$280 (per attendee)
Student Conference Registration
(Valid University or High School ID must be presented at registration)
Student Registration Price

Learn from two of the foremost authorities in music theater education and gain essential skills for creating a quality music theater program in your institution.
Cynthia Ripley and Marty Johnson have decades of experience and have written musical theatre how-to guides for Music Theatre International, Disney Theatrical Productions, Tams-Witmark Music Library, Inc., Rogers & Hammerstein, Hal Leonard Publishing, and MacMillan/McGraw-Hill. In addition,
The workshops in the iTheatrics track emphasize experiential learning, active skill building, and an overall focus on fun. From the stage of the East Room in the White House to the cafetorium of a rural school in Wyoming, iTheatrics teaching artists have traveled all across the U.S. to empower students and community members everywhere to present student-driven musical theatre.
Whether you are a seasoned pro or you’re just getting started, you will walk away energized and ready to tackle any musical theater challenge that comes your way.
Continuing Education and College Credit Available!
Email Institute@GIAMusic.com for more details.
Gain Insights and New Strategies for…

Creative and Effective Blocking

Costuming, Scenery, and Technical Exploration

Rehearsal Techniques

Choreography & Vocal Production
…And Much more!

Thursday, October 17
9:00 AM Warm-ups for the Theatre
11:00 AM Staging Techniques for Your Musical
1:00 PM Lunch
2:00 PM Choreography for All Levels of Dancers
4:00 PM Exploring the Musical Theater Canon
5:00 PM End of Day
Friday, October 18
9:00 AM Advanced Warm-ups
10:00 AM Exploring the Music in Musical Theater
1:00 PM Lunch
2:00 PM Theatrical Design Techniques and Tips
4:00 PM Exploring the Musical Theater Canon Pt. 2
5:00 PM End of Day
Saturday, October 19
9:00 AM Structuring Successful Rehearsals
10:00 AM Putting it All Together
12:30 PM Graduation and Evaluation
1:00 PM End of Day
Call (708) 496-3800 or email institute@GIAMusic.com