Barbara Conable
During her thirty plus years as an Alexander Technique teacher Barbara Conable helped to save hundreds of musical careers and to enhance hundreds more. She experienced frustration, however, because she knew that thousands more musicians were losing careers and capacity. To enhance her effectiveness, she wrote the book “What Every Musician Needs to Know about the Body®” and developed a Body Mapping course by the same name which is now taught by Andover Educators® around the world. The goal of Andover Educators® is to put music education on a secure somatic (anatomical) foundation for all time.
Barbara Conable is the author of “How to Learn the Alexander Technique: A Manual for Students”, “What Every Musician Needs to Know about the Body®”, available from “Andover Press” and “Amazon.com” and “The Structures and Movement of Breathing” available from giamusic.com.
Now retired from teaching, Barbara Conable continues to develop the theory and practice of Body Mapping.
BArbara Conable’s 2019 Fall Institute Events
Thursday, October 17
Let’s Understand Arms: Their joints! Coordination! Support for Arms!
Breakout 4 (2:45 PM – 4:00 PM) | Gratz Room 4G
With emphasis on joints, this very practical session will aim to give musicians not just the information they need to stay safe from arm injury in playing and conducting but also to achieve optimal efficiency and expressiveness in arm use.
Friday, October 18
Let’s Understand Arms: Their joints! Coordination! Support for Arms! (repeat session)
Breakout 6 (2:45 PM – 4:00 PM) | Gratz Room 4G
With emphasis on joints, this very practical session will aim to give musicians not just the information they need to stay safe from arm injury in playing and conducting but also to achieve optimal efficiency and expressiveness in arm use.
Saturday, October 19
Musicians Move! Top Ten Ways to Train their Moving (Keynote Address)
Keynote Address (11:45 AM – 12:45 PM) | Borwell Dining Room
The moving musicians do to make music is as demanding and exacting as that of dancers and athletes, therefore their moving should be systematically trained, not left to chance or mis-training, as so often occurs. Barbara Conable offers practical advice about how to effectively and efficiently train musicians’ moving right along with their hearing and seeing, all at once. Top Ten!
Musicians Move! Top Ten Ways to Train their Moving (Follow-Up Q&A)
Breakout 9 (1:00 PM – 2:15 PM) | Gratz 4G
This session will be a Q. and A. following up on the keynote earlier in the day plus an opportunity to explore effective movements for warming up a choir. If a conductor or two wants to explore his or her own conducting, we can turn the participants into a chorus for the purpose. Bring your questions and concerns.
Call (708) 496-3800 or email institute@GIAMusic.com