July 9-11, 2025

Naperville, IL

Registration Now Open!

A Summer Conference for Musicians, Conductors, and Educators


Join us this Summer on the campus of North Central College in Naperville, Illinois for an unforgettable 3 days of music, education, learning, and connection!

More information on clinicians, events, concerts and more will be available soon. Stay informed by signing up for our mailing list below.

We’ve gathered leaders in:

Music, Worship, Education, & Formation

to offer you:

Skill Building and Enrichment Workshops

Keynote Addresses by Leaders in the Field

Master Classes in Conducting and Voice

Sacred and Secular Choral Reading Sessions

Special Concert Events

Ecumenical Prayer Opportunities


Jason Max Ferdinand

Choral Composer & Condcutor of the Jason Max Ferdinand Singers

Institute Sessions:

Conducting Master Class:

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to receive one-on-one instruction on choral conducting from Jason Max Ferdinand. There are only 5 openings with a $50 add-on charge. The workshop will be open for any Summer Institute attendee to watch.

Concert Event: The Jason Max Ferdinand Singers

Join us Friday night for a special concert led by Jason Max Ferdinand.

Mark Miller

Choral Composer & Hymn Text Author

Institute Sessions:

Concert Event: Sacred Songs of Justice and Joy

Singing through Mark Miller’s newest published collection “Revolution of the Heart” along with other recently published ‘hybrid’ songs for choirs & congregations

Social Justice and Congregational Song

This workshop will engage emerging work in neuroscience and music to deepen contemporary conversations about musical styles in worship to encourage us beyond polarized conversations to ones rooted in pastoral understanding.

Composing in a Time of Crisis

Mark will share the words and music that give him the courage to go on in the midst of crisis.

With Keynote Speakers

Scott Edgar

Needs Before Notes

We are exhausted at the end of the day. The children and adults with whom we work are responding and interacting in ways that are much less predictable. Emerging from the physical crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have returned to “normal life” with varied levels of trauma and understanding of what we have all been through. But there is hope! Our music spaces are powerful places for healing and community. We will explore strategies to help develop our sense of identity, build a community of belonging, and facilitate an environment conducive for developing agency through music and education.

Bob Bordone

Conflict Resilience: Skills for Difficult Conversations in Polarized Times

Division, polarization, and conflict surround us: in our families, communities, country, and churches. Music has a unique power to unify and heal, but even within the music world itself, conflict and polarization abound. In this keynote, Bob will introduce the concept of conflict resilience and offer some tools for how to use words in difficult conversations as an instrument to promote better connection and stronger relationships even when differences and conflicts may abound.

Diana Macalintal

What We Make When We Make Music Together

From entertainment, memorial, prayer, and praise, to unite and uplift, upend or mourn, and simply because it feels so good, we make music for many reasons. Let us reflect on what making music teaches us about being human and how making music together can make us a better “community of strangers” along the way of life.

Industry-Leading Clinicians


Full Certification Courses

All certification courses have unique individual schedules and itineraries.

Attendees are allowed to participate in any Summer Institute workshop provided there is no conflict with their selected program. Both concerts and the "end-of-conference" luncheon are included with certification courses.

GIA Publications, Inc. presenta

Formación para Músicos Litúrgicos

Conferencistas: Peter Kolar, Lesly Palacios, Julio De León

Acompáñenos durante tres días de enriquecedores talleres de música sacra en el Summer Music Institute, que se llevará a cabo en North Central College en Naperville, Illinois. Este programa especial abarca una amplia gama de temas, desde la espiritualidad del ministerio musical hasta consejos prácticos para conjuntos musicales, y ofrece valiosas oportunidades para aprender, reflexionar y orar.